
Old picture.. can you name all of them? ... please scan and send your old pictures if you have...

4th and 5th Generation of Quilamans' during Lola Teresa's 83rd birthday... )

In front of UCCP Artacho after the mass.

Lola Roming with Lola Paning's Family

a wedding ....

Mr. and Ms. Redcross .. mid 60's

Auntie Miriam ? and Lola romana ..... Boying Annaguey's Family with Lola Roming

During Lola Paning's 8oth Birthday from Auntie Lea's Multiply

During Lola Paning's 8oth Birthday ...(fr L to R standing) Auntie Ruby? , Helen, Annelyn, Lea

During Lola Paning's 8oth Birthday .. I can see Uncle Gil and Auntie Miriam, Auntie Helen, Auntie Ruby ????

Visit my account for more pictures. Email me for the account name and password

updated 08jun08 jer

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